Chimacum Rain
Linda Perhacs. That’s what was on my mind for nearly two years. Linda Perhacs and Chimacum Rain.
My friend Ekuwa. Tried for a while to get a half decent photo of her. So here it is.
My last days at the library.
Drew playing my 3/4s Guild (Guild G75, AKA 75%). This is the space for (most) of Between Three’s rehearsals. Stringed lights and all.
My father works too hard.
But he does look cool here.
Jason Isbell with my (very) pregnant sister Sydney - I pretty much only go to see concerts if she gets me tickets for Christmas lol. I couldn’t get anybody to go with me and she was very pregnant at the time, but went anyway. So thank you Syd. Love you.
One of Old 97’s neighboring bands, we’re kind of like cousins. The bushy haired bassist on the right is actually our bassist as well. haha. Pictured: Matt Crowder, Jessie Finney, Josh Moss
Another one of our neighboring bands; The League of Ordinary Gentlemen. Pictured: Sparky, Kyle Foster Moore, Brett Gill, Matt Doss
Patrick Ratliff absolutely killing his set.
I was asked to shoot another photoshoot for Sleepless Denver, turned out really well! Another local Danville band. Pictured: Joey Estrada, Jesse Wilson, Melik Wilson, Cody Irby, Zachary Arduca
Jack’s graduation, with a very chubby cheek’d El.
Pops swings his clubs like a sledgehammer. lol.
A very moonlit Gabe, after one of our shows. A long show if I remember correctly.
A fellow photographer. Noticeably, without a camera present. You had one job Ian.
Old 97’s very own, blasting away at 2Witches. Our favorite spot.
Josh, mid Crazy Train.
The whole band, minus Mossy and myself.
Between Three rehearsal. My place.
I like this shot a lot. I don’t get to incorporate myself into photos of other people much. Even if it’s just my boot.
Matt’s birthday honey roast. Lots of honey.
Some polaroids from Between Three’s first show at Golden Leaf.
It seems this whole photo dump is just Gabe. Sorry man.
Returning from my (our) luthier with Drew. Shoutout to Mark Denton Music.
Outside at Ballad Brewing
We ate for free.
Buddy Alvin Cat (that is his full name)
I don’t think Mom expected to be a Nana.
But it suits her well.
My friend Gunnar with his daughter, was able to snap these while working a wedding (videography).
That’s all for now! Waiting for my lens to get back from repair as I type this. If you got to the end of this, here’s a song. The one I referenced at the start. Enjoy.